Davidoff Echo - For Him
  • Davidoff Echo - For Him

    Personality -

    This is a fresh woody and spicy fragrance to capture the urban energy
    . The three unique olfactive harmonies to sublimate the urban energy: 1. The liquid air harmony to translate gusts of wind blowing in big cities. 2. The metal Aldehyde harmony for the architecture of cities. 3. The white suede harmony for the well being and the comfort. The ECHO of your personality!

    Ingredients -

    Woody: Fragrances that are dominated by woody scents, typically of agarwood, sandalwood and cedar. Patchouli, with its camphoraceous smell, is commonly found in these perfumes.

    1. Sandalwood - Sandalwood essential oil provides perfumes with a striking wood base note. Sandalwood has a bright and fresh edge with few natural analogues. When used in smaller proportions in a perfume, it is an excellent fixative to enhance the head space of other fragrances.

    2. Cedar - Cedar (Cedrus) is a genus of coniferous trees in the plant family Pinaceae. Cedars are trees up to 30–40 m (occasionally 60 m) tall with spicy-resinous scented wood, thick ridged or square-cracked bark, and broad, level branches. This Scented Wood is mainly used for scenting purposes.

    3. Patchouli - Patchouli (also patchouly or pachouli) is bushy herb of the mint family, with erect stems, reaching two or three feet (about 0.75 metre) in height and bearing small pale pink-white flowers. The plant is native to tropical regions of Asia and is now extensively cultivated in Caribbean countries, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Philippines, West Africa and Vietnam. The scent of patchouli is heavy and strong. It has been used for centuries in perfumes and continues to be so today.

    Qnty : 100 ml.

    Shipping Info : Ships within 3 - 4 Working Days.

  • Price :Rs.3145 / $71.48

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  • Total Price :Rs.3145 / $71.48

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